On June 7th, an event dedicated to architecture took place at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris.

The meeting began with a lecture by Thaddée Nowak, an architect and president of the Society of Polish Architects in France (Société des Architectes Polonais en France). During his presentation titled “Architect – Attempting to Respond to Climate Change” (Architecte – tentatives de réponse au changement climatique), he discussed and showcased examples of buildings that address the current challenges related to excessive resource consumption. The presented architectural projects from Europe, including France, demonstrate that buildings can be not only energy-efficient but also produce an energy surplus that can be utilized for the needs of residents.

Following the lecture, Joanna Fourquier, a member of the Academy of Architecture in Paris (Académie d’Architecture à Paris), took the floor. The architect explained the motivations behind the jury’s evaluation of diploma projects submitted by students for the “Prix de la SARP FR 2024” competition and presented the winning projects. The main prize was awarded to Izabela Godlewska from the University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw (Ecole Supérieure d’Ecologie et de Management de Varsovie) for her project titled “Humanitarian Aid Center for Malnourished Children in Baghere, Senegal” (Centre d’aide humanitaire pour les enfants sous-alimentés au Sénégal), supervised by Professor Zygmunt Szparkowski. Due to the high quality of the submitted works, the jury decided to additionally recognize two students: Aleksandra Bilacz from the Lublin University of Technology for her project “Silence as a Source of Sound Perception – Music School Project” (Silence comme source de perception du son – projet d’une école de musique) and Alicja Kazimierczak from the Gdańsk University of Technology for her project “Kalsa Flower. Cultural Center in the Kalsa District in Palermo” (Fleur de Kalsa – centre culturel du quartier Kalsa à Palerme). We would like to extend the congratulations to the winners.

The final part of the program was a concert titled “In the Footsteps of Komeda and Paris” (Sur les traces de Komeda et Paris) performed by Karol Dobrowolski (violin) and Ygor Przebindowski (piano). After the concert, participants had the opportunity to meet and discuss over refreshments.