COPIN GANIL (COPIGAL) Collaboration Workshop

The workshop will be dedicated to the review of scientific activities and achievements of French and Polish nuclear physicists in the framework of the COPIGAL collaboration. In the last 15 years the COPIGAL scientists published more than 250 articles in the JCR journals, made hundreds of presentations at international conferences, significantly contributed to the construction of the state of the art detection systems PARIS, FAZIA and NEDA.

Joint research projects planned within COPIGAL are carried out mainly in three domains:

  • experimental studies of nuclear structure and reaction mechanisms using stable and radioactive beams presently available in France and Poland;
  • theory of the nucleus;
  • development of detection systems based on the modern technologies.

All projects address issues which belong to the current front line research in low energy nuclear physics and one may expect that they will bring a wealth of new and valuable results, getting us closer to the global and coherent understanding of nuclear st ructure and nuclear reactions. A key point is that IRP offers a common platform for interaction between experiment, theory and detection systems development. Indeed, there is a common believe that progress in nuclear science strongly relies on the efficient and harmonious cooperation within these three domains: the development of a unified description of all nuclei, which is one of the ultimate goals, has to be stimulated with experimental efforts which explore unknown domains of nuclear territory by employing the state of the art experimental equipment.

The workshop is a natural continuation of the very successful research activity which has been conducted through 15 years by the French and Polish nuclear physicists collaborating within the Agreement on the Creation of the International (formerly European) Associated Laboratory LIA, named: ”The Collaboration COPIN GANIL on physics of exotic nuclei COPIGAL”. This Agreement was signed by the authorities of CNRS/IN2P3/CEA and the Consortium of Polish Institutions COPIN lead by the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. The workshop will allow summarize the achievements of the collaboration as well as prepare its renewal in the most adequate and optimized format and content.

A similar very successful COPIGAL workshop was organized in January 2020 in Polish Academy of Sciences Scientific Center in Paris where its goals were fully reached and allowed for the renewal of the COPIGAL collaboration up to 2024.


28 - 29 Nov 2024


09:00 - 16:00