International Symposium and Research Workshop CSCC: Computer Security & Cybersecurity Challenges

Call for Contribution – 15 April 2022


Cybersecurity is a rapidly evolving field of science and technology that has a significant impact on the world around us. There are more and more challenges in this field that we have to face. For this reason, we decided to organize an International Research Workshop “CSCC: Computer Security & Cybersecurity Challenges 2022”.

The main objective of the event is to create an international platform for young scientists (PhD students or early career researchers) to share their latest experiences and research results in the field of computer security and cybersecurity. Thanks to our excellent keynote speakers and through collaborative peer-to-peer education, we wish to expand our knowledge in, among others: cryptographic protocols, data protection, digital and mobile banking security, security metrics, and much more.

Thanks to binding intense face-to-face relationships we hope for joint scientific projects and foster international collaborations among workshop’s participants.


12 - 13 May 2022


09:00 - 17:00

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